Hi, I'm your personal assistant. Welcome!
Are you looking for men or women?
Click one of the buttons
If you are looking for a man click on the "a man" button
If you are looking for a woman click on the "a woman" button
What are you looking for?
In which area would you like to look?
Enter only the city where you live, the area you can set it later.
Where do you live?
Enter the name of your city and click on the green button
A beautiful city!
Come on. Enter your date of birth
Click on the fields: Day, month and year to enter your date of birth
Click the green button to proceed
Thanks so much!
The next thing you need is a username. Is the name other users will see, so you can remain anonymous
Think about something. You can be creative!
Now enter your username and click the green button
Now choose a password, it must be at least 6 characters long
You're almost there.
Simply enter your email address.
Perfect! I'm ready to create your profile!
Click on the "START NOW" button
I am:
a man looking for a woman
My email:
When is your birthday?
Invalid date
What's your date of birth?
Invalid date
Select Country:
Area / Zip code
I live in
My Password:
My Nickname: